Conference Submissions

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GJCIE 2025 Conference Submissions


Parallel Presentations


Authors are requested to submit a full-paper of up to 15 pages in length, including all figures, tables, and references using the paper template through the GJCIE 2025 website. Papers exceeding the page limit will be rejected without review. Please indicate to which track your submission should be sent for review. In some cases when considering submissions for the parallel presentations, authors should consider whether their material may be more effectively presented in the poster/demonstration sessions. In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, each accepted paper should have a different conference registrant. However, co-authors may appear on multiple papers.


Authors are requested to submit an abstract using the abstract template through the GJCIE 2025 website. Please indicate to which track your submission should be sent for review. In some cases when considering submissions for the parallel presentations, authors should consider whether their material may be more effectively presented in the poster/demonstration sessions. In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, each accepted abstract should have a different conference registrant. However, co-authors may appear on multiple abstracts.

Poster/Demonstration Sessions


This session has been especially designed to accommodate the presentation of late-breaking scientific and professional news, work in progress, work which can be more effectively presented via demonstration or when the author feels more comfortable presenting the material in written form or demonstrating it rather than by oral presentation. Authors are requested to submit an abstract by using the abstract template through the GJCIE 2025 website. In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, each accepted poster should have a different conference registrant. However, co-authors may appear on multiple posters. Your poster should be Standard A0 size (portrait orientation) 841mm(w) x 1189mm(h). Construct the poster to include the title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and a description of the research, highlighting the major elements that are covered in the paper. You are required to be available by your poster, during the designated time, to discuss the work presented. Kindly note that the conference organizers cannot forward any posters not collected after the conference.

Please note that these abstracts will appear only in the abstract book of the conference which will be available online at the conference website.
The GJCIE 2025 accepts full papers and abstracts in English. Authors whose first language is not English are encouraged to secure assistance of a native English speaker to ensure proper English usage. The GJCIE 2025 recommends a professional English editing service which authors may use at their own expense. Please visit for more information.

Who should participate in GJCIE

Educators in industrial engineering programs

Government officials responsible for industrial engineering related programs

Governmental and organizational policy makers

Industrial engineering and R&D managers

Industrial engineering program heads

Industrial engineering researchers

Managers in industrial and service organizations

Presidents and chief executive officers

Project, product and operations managers

Students seeking degrees in industrial engineering and related fields

Vice presidents of corporations

Topics of the GJCIE


Concurrent Engineering

Data Mining and Analytics

Decision Analysis and Methods

e-Health and m-Health

Energy Management

Engineering and Technology Management Education and Training

Engineering and Technology Management in Developing Countries


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